Welcome to ...
Transformational Marketing
Dear Coach, Healer, Energy Worker, Psychic, Wellness Professional ...
You have a profound transformation to offer the world ...
... if only the world knew you existed, and understood the tremendous value you have to offer!
Are you ready to attract the clients that you are ideally meant to serve?
Are you ready to fill your practice with clients who are ready and willing to invest in the transformation you offer?
Let's face it ... none of us got into our transformational work because we just LOVE marketing.
You probably wish that you could just do your sacred work and that your ideal clients would find you simply via referrals ... no marketing required.
And while referrals are definitely a great way to gain new clients ... there are also some serious drawbacks to a referral-based business:
- You're depending on others to do your marketing FOR you, which usually leads to inconsistent income at best.
- You can't consciously CHOOSE to increase your income.
- Every month, you have to cross your fingers and hope for referrals, creating a sense of insecurity ... your income is built on hope.
- Even if you do get a consistent flow of new customers, every one of them comes to you for different reasons. This makes leveraging into a one-to-many scenario practically impossible, leaving you stuck in trading your time for money.
But what's the alternative?
I'm sure you're not really excited about ...
- Endlessly posting to social media.
- Hustling at time-sucking online and in-person networking events.
- Constantly creating more and more free content and resources.
- Engaging in "desperation marketing" by sending icky and sales-y private messages to random strangers, hoping that someone will be interested.
- Investing in one "proven" marketing system or strategy after another without any results to show for your money and effort.
Guess what?
Yes, marketing is a skill set that you have to choose to develop.
But the core principles of effective marketing NEVER CHANGE.
Once you understand how to effectively market the transformation you offer, you can create a system for attracting an endless flow of people who are interested and willing to invest in your sacred work.

And that system can run with minimal, if any, effort on your part ... so that you can get on with doing the work you love.
And guess what else?
You can strategically develop your marketing system without having to spend a DIME on advertising or infrastructure!
To get started, you don't need:
- An advertising budget.
- A big social media "following."
- A fancy website. In fact, you technically don't need a traditional website at all.
- Expensive CRMs or marketing funnel software.
You see, I'm a big fan of bootstrapping!
Of course, investing money into your marketing and your business will eventually be a good idea ...
But ONLY after your business (and your marketing!) has EARNED that investment.
Call me crazy, but I believe your business should pay you FIRST. Only THEN do you re-invest back into your business ... and only when that investment actually PAYS OFF do you make another re-investment.
Unfortunately, there's an entire marketing and business coaching industry dedicated to making you think that if you invest FIRST, then that investment will come back to you.
That's completely backwards.
The result is that many Transformational Experts throw a ton of money into building a practice, without every receiving a return on their investment.
Our sacred work turns into an expensive, money-sucking hobby.
Our friends, our spouse, and our children don't really take our work seriously, because it's just a time-consuming pseudo-side hustle that produces no financial results.
Eventually, we become disheartened. Our Divine Gifts remain unexpressed.
We never experience the incredible value we have to offer, or the abundance levels that we are DESIGNED FOR.
Are you ready to put your powerful work out into the world in a way that easily attracts the right people, without wasting a ton of time, money or effort on posting, content creation, or infrastructure?
You're Invited To ...
Transformational Marketing
I had taken a lot of marketing courses and had spent thousands and thousands of dollars on coaches and still felt I was throwing spaghetti at the wall! With the Transformational Marketing program, I am so clear who I'm talking to, how I can help them, what their actual problem is, and I know how to guide them through my marketing process. I'm very grateful and excited!
Dr. Tonia Winchester ND, DrToniaWinchester
I was trying to help everyone with everything, and nobody could see themselves in what I was doing! I had no strategy! I was lost, confused and frustrated. Since studying the Transformational Marketing program, my marketing mindset has completely shifted. I understand who I'm serving to a very specific level. It's made my marketing so much easier! I now have a really successful offer that people actually want.
Alyssa Johnson, Fearless Freedom Healing
Here's the real issue...
Most Transformational Experts fall into the trap of INFORMATIONAL marketing!

We think that marketing means giving away lots of "good" information and educating people about our work.
This is usually ineffective!
But when this type of marketing doesn't create results, most Transformational Experts respond with MORE - more posts, more content, more engagement, on more platforms ... it's exhausting!
We may even get really desperate and start giving away "samples" of our work - free mini sessions or readings, for example. This usually just attracts tire-kickers who are attracted to free stuff and are determined never to invest in themselves.
Here's what we, as Transformational Experts, have to acknowledge:
- Most people think they can change their lives on their own.
- Even after YEARS of failed diets, dissatisfying relationships, meager bank accounts, struggles at work, family drama, and ongoing health issues ... people think they just need the right INFORMATION, and then they'll be able to change their lives on their own.
Nothing could be further from the Truth.
The last thing we all need is more information. Overwhelming amounts of information are available to anyone with Internet access, mostly for free.
If you engage in informational marketing, you are actually de-valuing yourself and your work, and distracting your prospects from what they truly need ... and that is TRANSFORMATION.
Transformational Marketing is about engaging in a TRANSFORMATIONAL process with your prospects, right from the start ... but with a carefully crafted CONTENT STRATEGY in place, so that you don't make your own work obsolete!
Once you have an effective content strategy, you will have clear boundaries between what you give away for "free," and the sacred work that requires a financial investment.
Best of all, you will no longer sabotage your client enrollment through your marketing efforts!
And because this type of marketing isn't about giving away "LOTS" of free information and content ... you don't have to create "A LOT."
Transformational Marketing is not about volume.
It's about value ... specifically, transformational value that strategically leads our ideal prospects into self-selecting as our paying client!
Are you ready to attract clients into your sacred work with Transformational Marketing?
Here's what we will cover within this program:
Our marketing needs to inspire people to raise their hand and say "yes, I'm interested in this transformation." They now become a "lead" or "prospect" for us and we can continue to build a relationship with them.

Once interested, our marketing must convey both the transformational power of our work as well as the depth of our expertise so that our ideal prospective client self-selects and seamlessly moves towards our sales process.
At the same time, our content strategy must also DE-select the people who are NOT our ideal prospects ... our work is actually NOT for everyone.
Our marketing must also serve to build an ongoing relationship with prospects who are ideal, but not quite ready yet to invest with us. We want to keep showing up for these prospects so that we can serve them when they are ready to change their lives.

You'll learn how to effectively generate, qualify, and nurture leads all in a way that is congruent to your transformational work, and who YOU are ... because you are unique!
Here's what you are NOT getting within this program:
I am 100% committed to NOT giving you templates for what to say, or how to say it within this program.
I mean ... have you EVER authentically and effectively communicated with anyone based on a TEMPLATE?
Can you imagine a template for a first date? For a conversation with your child? A phone call with your best friend? No????
Then WHY on EARTH would anyone think that a template is appropriate for expressing the value, depth and importance of your SACRED WORK??
Yeah, this is a pet peeve of mine ...
I know ... Transformational Experts go all "deer in the headlights" when it comes to marketing communication. And it SEEMS like a nice plug-and-play template would make your life so much easier.
And, quite frankly, it would be easier for me to give you a bunch of templates, rather than explaining to you how to come up with an effective content strategy, and coaching you through that process via a bunch of exercises.
The problems is that, while everyone loves them and it seems like marketing "experts" constantly include them ...
Here's the thing:
You want to create income YOUR way, based on your Divine Gifts and your expertise.
You want the power that financial abundance gives you to live life on your own terms.
You want more freedom. You want greater self-determination.
The only way to GAIN greater self-determination is by ... wait for it ... actually exercising self-determination!!
You will never gain more power and freedom by simply doing what you're told. That includes using TEMPLATES!
What you communicate via your marketing has to actually be YOURS:
- Your unique perspective
- Your opinions
- Your expertise
Don't worry ... this program includes a TON of exercises that will help you unlock your authentic and unique marketing content!
You don't have to be a wordsmith to be an effective marketer. You don't have to be a "good" writer or speaker.
You do have to be willing to be 100% authentic with and responsible for what you communicate.
You absolutely cannot have the POWER of self-determination by abdicating RESPONSIBILITY for your marketing. Which means nobody can tell you what to say, or how to say it ... because then authenticity goes right out the window.
Transformational marketing isn't about snazzy headlines or clever communication techniques.
It's definitely not about being manipulative or misleading!

While marketing tricks and techniques may get attention ... only honest and authentic communication will create a powerful transformational relationship with the people that you are here to serve.
And ultimately, it's that kind of relationship that will allow you to joyfully expand into your transformational work!
My sales have doubled! With just one little strategy ...
Caroline Bergeron, Dr. Caroline Bergeron
My approach to marketing is completely different now! I have such coherent clarity around what I'm doing and why I'm doing it now. I love the way Andrrea teaches - she's so straightforward! I highly recommend you do Transformational Marketing.
Siobhan M. Kelly, Siobhan M Kelly
Transformational Marketing: Curriculum
Here's what we will cover in each lesson of the Transformational Marketing program:
Lesson One:
Core Abundance Principles And Strategic Implementation
From implementation to content creation, discover the core principles of Transformational Marketing. When done right, not only is the marketing process transformational for our clients ... it is also transformational for US, as we dive deeply into our authenticity, and create content that is entirely congruent to who we are.
We'll go through some of the biggest misconceptions about marketing and how to avoid some of the most expensive and time-consuming pitfalls that are common to creating an effective marketing system.
We'll talk about the most important aspects of abundance mindset that have to become a part of our marketing process, and how to implement strategically so that you don't waste any time, money or effort in the process.
Finally, we'll do a deep dive into what YOUR most authentic marketing methods, so that you can implement from a place of congruence, right from the start.
Lesson Two:
Uncovering Your Most Authentic Value
This week is all about avoiding "imposter syndrome" which stops so many Transformational Experts in their tracks when it comes to marketing! Whether you are new to your work or modality doesn't matter ... you don't need years and years of experience in your field to be able to offer tremendous value.
You do, however, need to offer value from a place of authenticity and congruence ... and this starts by asking yourself the right questions.
You'll learn what you must avoid at all costs if you're going to be successful in your marketing endeavors, how to get specific about what you offer without FOMO, and dive into the value of the transformation you offer.
Lesson Three:
Your Ideal Client
This lesson is actually NOT about the standard "ideal customer avatar," although we certainly need to define who stands to benefit the most from your sacred work.
What we will actually be doing is creating the very specific parameters that will be foundational to your marketing communication and laying the foundation for your unique, comprehensive content strategy.
Lesson Four:
Your Content Strategy
In this lesson, we are diving into the heart of your unique content strategy! Your content strategy is the comprehensive thread of ideas and concepts that will be ever-present in all your marketing communications!
When you have a solid content strategy, the communications media you use become interchangeable. It doesn't matter whether you are marketing via in-person networking, a Facebook group, email, social media posts, podcast interviews, smoke signals, singing telegrams ... the core ideas and concepts you convey will always lead your ideal prospects into an ongoing relationship with you, all without sabotaging client enrollment!
We will also cover best practices for getting marketing content out of your head and into a format that your prospects can engage with. Finally, we will cover some of the biggest content mistakes to avoid so that you capture and maintain your prospect's interest as they begin their journey of transformation with you.
Lesson Five:
Lead Generation
In this lesson, we get down to the brass tacks of actually generating some leads! We'll get into the nitty gritty of how to actually get your ideal prospects to raise their hands and express their interest in what you offer.
We will dive further into implementation strategy so that you won't waste time, money, or effort as you develop your marketing system. You'll learn how to start building your flow of leads without having to invest heavily into advertising or infrastructure until your marketing has earned further investments! And because we've laid a solid foundation, you'll be doing all of this in a way that is congruent and authentic to you and your transformational work.
Lesson Six:
Lead Qualification
In this lesson, we'll get into the details of how our overall content strategy gets implemented into actual content.
We'll talk about various content "modules" that you may or may not choose to use, based on what is congruent to you and your transformational work.
Ultimately, we want the prospects that we are most ideally positioned to serve to self-select as our potential clients ... all while unqualified leads automatically de-select themselves through our marketing content and process!
This creates an incredible layer of safety for us, so that we can most authentically express ourselves through our business and sacred work. A solid lead qualification process means we can take risks and experiment freely within our business, knowing we have a solid and supportive "tribe" that aligns to what we stand for.
Lesson Seven:
Your Website Content Strategy
Your website isn't actually the main focus of your marketing endeavors ... in fact, you don't technically need a website if you don't want one, and we are certainly not starting by creating a website!
Eventually, though, you'll probably want a website, and we don't want it to undermine your marketing efforts or your content strategy!
In this lesson, we'll cover the biggest mistakes most Transformational Experts make when it comes to their website content ... and what to do instead!
Lesson Eight:
Lead Nurture and Leverage
Of course, not every single one of our ideally qualified prospects will become our client or customer! They simply aren't quite ready to work with us ... yet. That doesn't mean they won't work with us in the future.
In this lesson, we'll talk about how to nurture your existing leads in both a strategic and systematic way. We'll go back to the foundations you laid in Lessons Two and Three and adapt what you uncovered so that you can create content for your existing leads that keeps them interested and engaged until they are ready to work with you.
We'll also talk about how and when to scale your lead generation efforts! There is no shortage of people in the world ... and there is no reason for you to not be able to scale your impact and income as much as you wish.
All lessons will include HOMEWORK in the form of written worksheets and implementation steps!

All lessons will be delivered as video-based content via an online members area. You'll also be able to download audio-only versions of each lesson, in case video is not your thing!
You will also receive downloadable PDF's of all written notes for each lesson, as well as quite a few written exercises!
Transformational Marketing
Your Investment: US$997
Or three monthly payments of US$347
Your first two lessons and the pre-training bonus Marketing Abundance Mindset Meditations will be available to you immediately upon enrollment via your members area. The remaining lessons will become available about every four days or so! We will notify you via email each time a new lesson is released to you!

My Reassuring Guarantee To You ...
If you decide that Transformational Marketing isn't going to help you attract prospects for your sacred work, simply let me know via email within seven days of purchase. I'll immediately refund your investment, no questions asked!
What you must bring to the table to be successful with this program:
- You must have a way of working with paying clients in order to help them transform their experience. It's fine if you're brand-new to what you do. But I'm assuming you're a coach, healer, energy worker, or have studied some sort of modality that allows you to serve paying clients.
- Your authenticity, your honest opinions and perspectives, your self-knowledge and self-awareness ... and your willingness to question what you think you know.
- Your willingness to implement what you're learning. Without implementation, you're guaranteed not to get any results!
- The willingness to bee 100% responsible for marketing your transformational work, and your own results. If you want the power to attract prospects to your transformational work ... then you must be willing to embrace responsibility as well.
This virtual training program will change your relationship with money, abundance, and your inherent value forever!
This program focuses on marketing ... the process of generating, qualifying, and nurturing prospects for your sacred work.
This program does NOT focus on the sales process, and here's why:
Without any prospects, without qualified leads, you don't have anyone to sell anything TO! That's why it's important to start with the marketing process and generate qualified leads.
Not only that, but at least 75% (if not more!) of your sales success actually happens within your marketing process.
You could be the greatest sales person in the world, but if you attract the wrong people with the wrong content strategy ... you are not going to be able to enroll them as clients.
However, with a great lead generation and content strategy, prospects show up to your sales process having already self-selected as wanting to work with you ... which means the sale itself happens very easily.
Transformational Marketing
Your Investment: US$997
Or three monthly payments of US$347
Your first two lessons and the pre-training bonus Marketing Abundance Mindset Meditations will be available to you immediately upon enrollment via your members area. The remaining lessons will become available about every four days or so! We will notify you via email each time a new lesson is released to you!

My Reassuring Guarantee To You ...
If you decide that Transformational Marketing isn't going to help you attract prospects for your sacred work, simply let me know via email within seven days of purchase. I'll immediately refund your investment, no questions asked!
Still wondering if this is for you?
Do I already have to have years of experience working with clients?
Absolutely not! You can be brand-new to your transformational work. However, you do have to have the ability to work with paying clients. It's fine if you've just completed studying a modality ... the definition of an "expert" is just someone who knows a little more than most other people in the room!
How is this program delivered?
All program lessons are delivered via video, accessible to you via your online members area. You will also be able to download audio-only versions, if you prefer to listen rather than watch. You'll receive access to the first two lessons immediately! Remaining lessons become available about every four days or so.
Will I have to invest in paid advertising? What about marketing software? Or an assistant?
I'm a fan of bootstrapping ... meaning you don't need to invest money to get started marketing yourself. Of course, you'll have to invest some time and effort. Once you're marketing efforts are paying off, of course it's helpful to re-invest in your business. But you will not need to invest in additional resources to get started within this program.
Do I already have to have a website up?
Actually, no. It's fine if you don't have a website in place, or any other kinds of marketing resources, for that matter. If you're starting from scratch because you're just getting started in your transformational work, you're in the right place.
Your Investment: US$997
Or three monthly payments of US$347

My Reassuring Guarantee To You ...
If you decide that Transformational Marketing isn't going to help you attract prospects for your sacred work, simply let me know via email within seven days of purchase. I'll immediately refund your investment, no questions asked!
Your Purchase Of Transformational Marketing Includes:
Eight Video-Based Lessons, Delivered Via Your Online Members Area
All lessons will remain available to you indefinitely. Your content will not expire. You'll also be able to download audio-only versions of each lesson, in case video is not your thing!
Two Bonus Marketing Mindset Meditations
Sometimes we need to re-wire our marketing mindset ... that's what these meditations are designed for!
Written Course Materials
You'll receive downloadable PDF's of the written notes, as well as worksheets for each lessson!