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Money Manifesting Mastery
Are you a highly conscious individual who, in spite of working hard on yourself, can’t seem to move beyond financial struggle?
Discover a highly effective and embodied process of attracting money into your experience, learn what’s been holding you back, and create the financial reality you desire for yourself!
Are you ready for your financial breakthrough?
Let’s be honest ...
There’s nothing spiritual about worrying how to pay the mortgage, not being able to travel, or having money limit us in any way!
We are, after all, Divine Beings in a human experience ... and as such, we deserve a Divine Bank Account!
Your Divine Bank account is one that allows you to make all the choices you WANT to make ... not the ones you can tolerate, not the ones you can currently afford, and not the choices that keep you “on budget.”
But of course ... there’s so much more to financial abundance than just money!

Financial abundance is also about creating money without working MORE, or HARDER.
Without the precious resource of TIME, no amount of money can make us truly abundant!
In fact, financial abundance is about making enough money to fill your Divine Bank account, but with enough time to allow you to make the choices you want to make ...
... and making that money the way you WANT.
Financial abundance isn’t created by doing what you dislike.
It’s created by doing what brings you joy and fulfillment.
Whether you are a self-employed entrepreneur, or a professional pursuing a career in traditional employment ... or you’re transitioning from one to the other ...
.... creating a life of financial abundance is absolutely possible for you!
You are only limited by your own current perceptions of limitation.
Scarcity Is An Illusion.
The amount of money you're currently attracting tells you to what degree you're choosing to participate in that illusion.
The great thing is … you can opt out of the illusion of scarcity at any time! You have that power.
You have the power to come back to the infinite abundance that is your Divine nature … at any time. First, however, you must understand why you chose scarcity over abundance to begin with.
Here is the Truth:
There Is More Than Enough Money.
There’s always been more than enough money. There are plenty of very abundant people in the world!
There’s always been more than enough money. There are plenty of very abundant people in the world!
They live in a reality where abundance is expected, normal, even inevitable. And you can CHOOSE to live in that reality, as well!
It's completely up to you.

There’s a few things you’ll need to do, though.
Most importantly you have to figure out why and how you’re participating in the illusion of scarcity. What you don’t know WILL keep you stuck exactly where you are right now. The first step to living the Truth of abundance is identifying why you’ve been unconsciously choosing NOT to manifest abundance so far. Yes … you are responsible!
It’s also helpful to know exactly how the manifesting process works. Unless you have a clear understanding of the energetic mechanics of manifesting, your ego’s resistance mechanisms will get the best of you! You’ll start … but without a thorough understanding of the entirety of the manifesting process, you’ll also stop yourself before you can create results.
Thirdly, you have to know how to manage egoic resistance. And I don’t mean running to your spiritual tool box to make yourself “feel better.” I mean learning to powerfully move THROUGH egoic resistance so that you are no longer thrown off course by fear storms, self-doubt, procrastination, distraction, and drama.
Change does not have to be hard.
Manifesting financial abundance is not just possible … it is absolutely NECESSARY if you’re going to live as a Divine Being in a human experience. Money allows you to make the choices you want to make. And your creative power, as both a Divine and human Being, lies in your ability to CHOOSE, and therefore craft the consequences you desire for yourself!
Is this training for you?
- You are a highly conscious individual who KNOWS that you have barely begun to tap into your spiritual abundance potential ... and you are ready to turn your potential into your new and abundant reality!
- You have a deep desire to contribute value to others, either via your career, or through your own business.
- You are willing to embrace the physical experience as your Soul's chosen playground for your Divine self-expression.
- You know yourself to be the powerful Creator of your own experience ... even though you don't always know how you're creating your results.
- You are willing to be 100% responsible for everything that you've created so far in your human experience, as well as your future results.
This virtual training program will change your relationship with money, abundance, and your inherent value forever!
"Andrrea is the only person I trust to deliver deep, spiritual teachings in a practical, grounded way that delivers results! Her teachings make my heart feel open and free while making it easy for me to take practical action. She is definitely the real deal!"
Kendall Summerhawk - KendallSummerhawk.com

"Once I got on the Money Manifesting Mastery train and really starting working Andrea’s program, I was able to very consciously and very easily manifest way more money in my business than I ever had before. In fact, I went from having a four-figure month to having a five-figure month the very first time I used her program. Now, in the last year, I’ve been able to take my business and actually quadruple my revenues!"
Emerald Peaceful Greenforest - EmeraldGreenforest.com
Here’s exactly what you’ll learn on this five-part recorded virtual training:
Lesson One: Shifting Your Inner Value Perception
It is imperative, before we begin our manifesting journey together, that we address the most important relationship of your life: Your relationship with YOU. In this class, you’ll learn how to start identifying why you’ve been choosing scarcity over abundance, and how you’ve held yourself back from creating what you really want. We'll also talk about how the manifesting process actually works, and what has probably been missing for you in the past!
Lesson Two: Multi-Dimensionality And Setting Soul-Driven Intentions
In this class, you'll learn about our multi-dimensional nature and how this plays into effectively manifesting what we want. You'll also learn how to tell the difference between Soul-inspired desire and egoic attachment, and set a powerful, effective intention driven by your Soul's desire for Divine self-expression.
Lesson Three: Shifting Your Vibrational State
In this class, you'll learn the exact steps for how to become a vibrational match for your desired reality ... and no, this is NOT about shifting your thoughts and feelings! You will discover how to ground your new vibrational state in extremely practical ways so that you transform yourself and your circumstances.
Lesson Four: Attracting Financial Abundance
In this lesson, you'll learn how to discern what practical action steps will shift you into alignment with your financial intention ... without having to work more, or work harder! We will also talk about how to avoid the pitfalls of egoic resistance, which trips up most people within the transformational process.
Lesson Five: Course-Correcting Your Manifesting Process
You'll learn how to interpret the small results that show up as you transition into alignment with your financial intention. Discover what truly constitutes "red flags" and let's you know that you're off track ... but also the surprising aspects of being on the path to your goals! We'll talk about how to effectively course-correct your manifesting process so that you create your financial intention with the least amount of effort and in the shortest amount of time.
Here's what you must bring to the table in order to be successful with this program:
- The willingness to claim full ownership over ALL circumstances that you create into your human experience. Blame and victimization energies disempower us and make effective manifestation impossible!
- The willingness to fully participate in this process, not just by listening to the classes, but actually doing the homework and taking action ... you are responsible for your own results.
- A beginner's mind and sense of curiosity so that you can fully witness your manifesting process unfold.
- The willingness to let go of both magical thinking, but also any current perceptions of limitation. Anything is possible as long as we work WITH Universal Law, rather than trying to bypass it.
You have to get very, very honest with yourself at some point. Are you creating the money you want? If not, you are missing something – a practical system of manifestation that actually works!
Sometimes we spiritual seekers think that our connection to Spirit means we “should” know how to create what we want … and sometimes we have intellectual understanding of how to manifest. Or at least we think we do. But if it’s not working – then it’s not working!
Don’t argue with the reality of your current bank account, or calendar, or level of fulfillment. When you argue with reality, you lose … every time.
Part of creating abundance is the ability to receive support and open yourself up to the Truth that there’s MORE … more than what you currently know, more self-awareness, more expansion.
"On Tuesday morning I started this program. I did the exercises and the very same day, I actually increased my average daily revenue by FIVE times. The next day – exactly the same thing, by FIVE times! The next day – the same thing! This happened SIX days in a row! And I set a pretty lofty goal for myself to test this system. I already more than attained the actual money goal I set for myself."
Jeffrey Howard - MasterMindMentor.com

“I experienced transformational energetic shifts doing this work that brought more money into my life and helped me feel that I was consciously creating more often. I was able to understand “how,” and I was able to understand what was going on when it wasn’t showing up for me like never before. Andrfea has a powerful way of leading you right into the energy of money. Her system and the processes she offers are efficient, effective, and easy to implement, and they bring results. After working with Money Manifesting Mastery, I was able to understand and work with what came up – it changed my whole perspective, and that changed my ability to manifest money. The very first time I used this, money showed up!”
Michelle Barr - MichelleBarr.com
You'll also receive the following BONUSES:
BONUS #1: Two "Live" Q&A Calls
Because I want to support you and answer your personal questions about your money manifesting process, you're invited to two "live" Q&A Calls when you purchase Money Manifesting Mastery by April 30th! Calls will be held at 9 a.m. Pacific / Noon Eastern on Thursday, May 19th and May 26th. The calls will also be recorded for you in case you can't attend.
BONUS #2: "Unstoppable" Training Program (Value: $297)
Discover how your ego can become your Soul's supportive partner on your path of evolution and growth! Change doesn't have to be "hard." This ten-part, video-based program will teach you how to avoid getting stuck in procrastination, drama, distraction, and inaction and move forward towards your Divine self-expression without self-sabotage.

My Reassuring Guarantee To You ...
If you decide that this program isn't going to help you create the financial abundance you desire for yourself, simply let me know via email within FIVE DAYS of purchase. I'll immediately refund your investment, no questions asked!
Still wondering if this is for you?
"Do I have to be a self-employed entrepreneur to be able to work with this program?"
Absolutely not! Whether you wish to create financial abundance through employment or self-employment ... the manifesting process is inherently the same. That's why this program is both for entrepreneurs AND employed professionals ... as well as for those of you who are in transition between the two!
"How is this program delivered?"
All five program lessons are delivered as downloadable audio files, accessible to you via your online members area. The first two lessons will be available to you immediately upon your enrollment. Subsequent lessons will be released about every five days thereafter, because you'll need time to complete "homework" in betwee.
"How long is each lesson? What if I have trouble keeping up with the program?"
Each lesson is about an hour in length. All program content will remain available to you indefinitely within your members area, so there's absolutely no deadline for you within which you have to complete the program.